Screen Size: Folding phones unfold for a tablet-like experience, great for media and multitasking. Regular phones have a single, smaller screen.

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 Pocketability:  Folded phones (especially flips) are compact. Regular phones might require a bigger pocket.

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Price: Folding phones are significantly more expensive than most regular phones.

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 Durability: Folding phones are new technology, raising concerns about screen and hinge long-term wear. Regular phones have a proven track record.

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 Camera: Regular phones often have superior camera systems compared to folding phones.

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 Battery Life: Regular phones typically have better battery life due to less demanding components.

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Innovation: Folding phones offer unique features like Flex Mode for propped-up viewing. Regular phones lack this functionality.

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 Future-Proofing: Folding phones might be the future, but they're still evolving. Regular phones offer established technology.

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