The Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2024

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The Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2024

The world of programming is constantly evolving, with new languages emerging and established ones gaining new features. So, if you’re looking to upskill or embark on a programming journey this year, the question of which language to learn is crucial. Here’s a breakdown of the top contenders for 2024, categorized by your career goals:

Versatility Champs

  • Python: Python remains a rockstar for its readability, vast libraries, and suitability for various tasks, from data science to web development. Its beginner-friendly nature makes it a perfect first language.
  • JavaScript: JavaScript’s dominance extends beyond web development. With frameworks like React Native and Node.js, you can build mobile apps and scalable backends, making you a well-rounded developer.

Data Dominators

  • SQL: SQL is the language of databases, and its knowledge is essential for data analysis and manipulation. It’s a fundamental skill for anyone working with data.
  • R & Python (Scientific Stack): For those diving deep into data science and machine learning, R and Python with scientific libraries like NumPy and Pandas are powerhouses for statistical computing and data visualization.

Mobile Masters

  • Kotlin (Android): Kotlin is rapidly becoming the go-to language for Android development. Learning it will position you for success in the ever-growing mobile app market.
  • Swift (iOS): While there’s some debate, Swift remains the primary language for iOS development. Mastering it will open doors to creating Apple applications.

Beyond the Basics

  • Go: Go is gaining traction for its simplicity, concurrency features, and suitability for building scalable web services.
  • Rust: Rust offers exceptional speed and memory management, making it ideal for systems programming and performance-critical applications.

Don’t Forget the Fundamentals!

While these languages are hot in 2024, a strong grasp of programming fundamentals is timeless. Consider starting with a beginner-friendly language like Python before diving deeper.

Choosing the Right Language

Ultimately, the best language depends on your career aspirations. Research in-demand skills for your target field and explore languages that align with those needs. Remember, the most valuable skill is your ability to learn and adapt, so pick a language that excites you and dive in!

Programming Language Examples

Here are some examples of programming languages across different categories:


  • Python: Known for its readability and versatility, used in web development, data science, automation, and more.
  • Java: Widely used in enterprise applications and Android development.
  • C++: Powerful language for performance-critical applications and game development.
  • JavaScript: Reigns supreme in web development, also used for server-side scripting with Node.js and mobile app development with frameworks like React Native.
  • Go: Gaining traction for its simplicity, concurrency features, and ability to build scalable web services.

Data Science & Machine Learning:

  • Python: Often the go-to language, with powerful scientific libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn.
  • R: Popular for statistical computing and data visualization.

Web Development:

  • HTML/CSS: Not technically programming languages, but essential for building websites (HTML for structure, CSS for styling).
  • JavaScript: The core language for web interactivity and increasingly used for back-end development.
  • PHP: A server-side scripting language commonly used for web development.

Mobile Development:

  • Kotlin: Primary language for Android development.
  • Swift: Primary language for iOS development.


  • SQL: Essential for database interaction and data manipulation.
  • Rust: Offering exceptional speed, memory management, and ideal for systems programming.

This is just a small sampling of the many programming languages available. The best language for you depends on your specific goals and interests!

Which Programming Language should I Learn first as a Beginner

As a beginner, there are two strong contenders for your first programming language: Python and JavaScript. Here’s why they’re great choices:

  • Beginner-friendly: Both languages have a reputation for being relatively easy to learn. They have clear syntax and plenty of resources available to help you get started. Python’s code reads almost like English, while JavaScript integrates directly into your web browser, allowing you to see results quickly.
  • Versatile: These languages aren’t one-trick ponies. Python can be used for web development, data science, and automation. JavaScript is crucial for web development and is making inroads in mobile app creation with frameworks like React Native.
  • Large Communities: Python and JavaScript have enormous communities of developers. This means there’s a wealth of online tutorials, forums, and communities to help you when you get stuck.

Here’s a quick breakdown to help you decide:

  • Choose Python if: You’re interested in data science, machine learning, or general-purpose programming.
  • Choose JavaScript if: You’re drawn to web development or interactive applications.

Ultimately, the best language for you depends on your interests. Try out some tutorials or online courses in both Python and JavaScript to see which one clicks for you!

Most Popular Programming Languages

There are a few ways to measure the popularity of programming languages, and depending on the metric used, the rankings can differ slightly. Here’s a breakdown of the current top contenders based on two popular sources:

Based on Developer Surveys:

According to Stack Overflow’s 2023 Developer Survey, JavaScript holds the crown as the most widely used language globally, followed by:

  1. JavaScript
  2. HTML/CSS (often grouped together as foundational for web development)
  3. SQL (essential for database interaction)
  4. Python (versatile for web development, data science, and more)
  5. Java (widely used in enterprise applications)

Based on Industry Trends:

The TIOBE Index, which considers factors like search engine queries and courses offered, presents a slightly different perspective. Here’s the current top 5:

  1. Python
  2. C (widely used for systems programming)
  3. Java
  4. C++ (powerful language for performance-critical applications)
  5. JavaScript


  • Both sources paint a similar picture with JavaScript and Python being at the forefront.
  • Popularity doesn’t necessarily equate to the “best” language. It depends on your career goals.

Additional Considerations:

  • HTML/CSS: Though not technically programming languages, they are fundamental for web development.
  • Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs): These languages tailored to specific fields (e.g., finance) might be popular within those industries.

I hope this comprehensive overview helps you understand the current landscape of popular programming languages!

The Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2024 Reddit

Here’s a rundown on what Reddit programmers are saying about the best languages to learn in 2024:

Popular Picks:

  • Python and JavaScript: Consistently rank high for their readability, vast libraries, and versatility across web development, data science, and automation (Python) and web development dominance (JavaScript, including frameworks like Node.js for back-end).
  • Java: Still a major player in enterprise applications, so learning Java keeps you relevant in that space.


  • Go: Praised for simplicity, concurrency features, and building scalable web services.
  • Rust: Gains attention for exceptional speed, memory management, and its fit for systems programming.

Choosing Your Path:

Redditors emphasize picking a language based on your goals:

  • Data Science: Python with scientific libraries (NumPy, Pandas) and R are strong choices.
  • Mobile Development: Kotlin (Android) and Swift (iOS) are the primary languages.
  • Web Development: While JavaScript reigns supreme, learning frameworks like React Native and Node.js expands your toolkit.

Beyond Languages:

The Reddit community highlights the importance of a strong foundation in programming fundamentals that transcends specific languages. This will make learning new ones easier.

Remember the Source:

While Reddit offers valuable insights, it can also be subjective. Consider these thoughts alongside your research and career aspirations.

Programming Language of the Year 2024

According to some sources, C# was declared the “programming language of the year for 2024” by the TIOBE Index. This index considers factors like search engine queries and courses offered to determine popularity.

However, it’s important to consider a few things:

  • Popularity doesn’t necessarily mean “best” – The most suitable language depends on your career goals.
  • TIOBE isn’t the only measure – Other sources might have different rankings.

Here are some strong contenders for 2024 based on various factors:

  • Python: Consistently popular for its readability, vast libraries, and versatility.
  • JavaScript: Dominant in web development and gaining traction in mobile with frameworks like React Native.

Ultimately, the best way to choose a language is to research what’s in demand for your desired field and pick one that interests you. Remember, a strong foundation in programming concepts will allow you to learn any new language that emerges.

Future Programming Languages 2025

Predicting the exact future of programming languages is tricky, but based on current trends, here’s what we might see in 2025:

Continued Rise of Established Languages:

  • Languages like Python, JavaScript, and Java are likely to remain dominant due to their vast ecosystems, strong communities, and applicability across various domains.

Focus on Specialization:

  • Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs): These languages tailored to specific fields (e.g., finance, bioinformatics) might gain prominence, offering developers increased efficiency within their area.

AI Integration:

  • Languages incorporating AI for code generation and debugging could emerge, assisting programmers and potentially lowering the barrier to entry.

Quantum Leap:

  • With the development of quantum computers, entirely new language paradigms might be necessary to unlock their potential. However, significant impact in 2025 is less likely.

Here are some languages to keep an eye on for 2025:

  • Rust: Known for its memory safety and speed, Rust is gaining traction for systems programming and high-performance applications.
  • Kotlin: Kotlin’s dominance in Android development is likely to solidify, and it might see broader adoption beyond mobile.
  • Go: Go’s simplicity and suitability for building scalable web services could see increased adoption in 2025.

Remember, the key is to stay updated on industry trends and adapt your skills as the programming landscape evolves. A solid foundation in programming concepts will prepare you to learn any new language that emerges.

Highest Paying Programming Languages 2024

While there’s no guaranteed “highest paying” language, some programming skills consistently command premium salaries in 2024. Here are some top contenders:

  • Scala: This statically-typed language excels in data science, machine learning, and big data. Its complex nature and demand for skilled developers can lead to high salaries.
  • Go: Go’s focus on simplicity, concurrency, and scalability in building web services makes it attractive to companies. Finding developers with Go expertise can be challenging, potentially translating to higher salaries.
  • Rust: With its exceptional speed, memory management, and suitability for systems programming, Rust is in high demand for performance-critical applications. The relative scarcity of Rust developers can contribute to higher salaries.
  • C/C++: These veteran languages remain crucial for game development, embedded systems, and system-level programming. Their enduring importance translates to high potential earnings for skilled developers.
  • Less Common Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs): If you specialize in a niche field like finance (e.g., MATLAB) or biotechnology (e.g., R), expertise in a specific DSL can be highly valuable and potentially command a premium salary.

Important Considerations

  • Salary depends on various factors beyond language: Experience, location, industry, and the specific company all play a role.
  • High paying languages often come with a steeper learning curve.

Focus on Skills and Interests

Don’t chase languages solely based on salary. Choose a language that aligns with your interests and career goals. Develop a strong foundation in programming concepts, as this adaptability will be valuable in the long run.

Which Programming Language is Best for Getting Job

There isn’t a single “best” language for getting a job in programming, but some strong contenders are Python and JavaScript. Here’s why:

  • High Demand: Both languages are consistently listed among the most in-demand by employers according to job boards and surveys.
  • Versatility: They can be used across different areas of development, giving you more job opportunities. Python is great for data science, web development, and automation, while JavaScript is crucial for web development and gaining traction in mobile app creation.
  • Beginner-Friendly: They’re known for being easier to learn compared to some other languages, making them easier to jump into for those new to programming.

However, the best language for you depends on your specific career goals. Here’s a quick breakdown of some popular options based on desired field:

  • Web Development: JavaScript (front-end & back-end with frameworks like Node.js), Python (back-end)
  • Data Science & Machine Learning: Python (with libraries like NumPy, Pandas), R
  • Mobile Development: Kotlin (Android), Swift (iOS)
  • Game Development: C++, C#

Remember, your problem-solving skills and eagerness to learn are just as important as the languages you know. So pick a language that interests you, and focus on building a strong foundation in programming concepts.

Thanks for Reading!

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